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Books that have changed my life. 


We're the most socially "connected" of all species alive on planet earth today, and yet so often we feel alone and lost. Throughout my life adventure so far, I've discovered several books that have transformed the directions of my decisions and have helped me grow in remarkable ways.  I'm excited to share them with you here! 

Are you someone who is in love with being in love?  Are you someone who gets caught up in a romance too quickly?  The practical and inward focused advice Charlotte Kasl offers is invaluable, whether you're single, preparing to date, or already in a serious relationship. She does an extraordinary job of helping you prepare yourself for authentic love, as well as identifying important areas to pay attention to when you're looking for a deep and genuine romance.  I've personally given away over a dozen copies of this book as gifts to friends and family. 

"The best gift you can give to others around you is loving yourself." ~My brother, Nathan.  Brene Brown is one of my heroes, championing the idea of courage in the face of vulnerability.  In this book, she focuses on loving and accepting yourself, authenticity, self-compassion, resilience, gratitude, joy, authenticity, creativity, play and rest, calm and stillness, and meaningful work.  Her lighthearted story-telling speaks to your soul and inspires in ways that will surely affect your perspective on yourself and your capacity for growth, love, and belonging. 

This quick and easy read by Thich Nhat Hanh has exceptional nuggets of truth and wisdom.  While focused on romantic partner love, his explanation of love can truly be applied to any relationship of love; friendship, familial, or love for our extended family. As a Zen Buddhist monk, he focuses on mindfullness in our relationships and identifies ways to pay attention and be present for the ones we love.  So far, his thoughts are the best I've found to sustaining and growing all forms of love.

Jonathan Haidt finds the intersections of modern psychology and ancient religions and wisdom in this incredible read. Throughout the book, he continually circles back to the complex nature of the divided self, and uses the analogy of the rider and the elephant; the rider being our conscious awareness, that which we identify as our self, and the elephant being the unconscious or more instinct nature of our selves. Thoroughly fascinating, a must read for anyone seeking self knowledge or on a path of spiritual understanding through science and the abundance of human wisdom. 

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